How do I add the Greenheart CBD token to my wallet?

We recommend you use the Trust Wallet app on your Android device to add the Greenheart CBD token to your wallet currency listing.

When a token has been successfully sent to the wallet and it does not appear, it can be manually added as a Custom Token. For this guide, we will try add our CBD BEP20 token that is on the Binance Smart Chain.

Step 1. Search for the Token

Tap on the toggle sign on the upper right corner of the main Wallet screen. Search for the token, and if the token is not available, you will see a “No Asset Found” message with a Add Custom Token button.

Step 2. Get Token Information

Using BSCScan, search for the token that you will add. You need to find the Contract Address. You can find Greenheart's contract address on BSCScan here or copy the address below.


Step 3. Fill out Token Details

Tap on Add Custom Token button, then make sure that you have selected the correct Network. For this guide, we need to select Smart Chain on the supported Network, since this is a token that resides on the Binance Smart Chain.

After pasting or scanning the Contract Address, the other details like the Name, Symbol and Decimals will be automatically filled up. If not, fill them in manually. Tap on Save to continue.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure that the information is correct. The app will show incorrect balances if they are not properly filled.

Follow our next guide to learn how to buy BNB in order to purchase the Greenheart CBD token on PancakeSwap.

Last updated